The right choice for trademark and patent registration!

With our consultancy, you shield your investment and ensure exclusivity.

Who We Are

London Trademarks and Patents was founded over 30 years ago in the city of Londrina, with the mission to assist companies in protecting and registering their intellectual property. Through decades of hard work and dedication, we have earned recognition as the most trusted trademark and patent company in Londrina and the region.

The name London is a tribute to the Englishmen of the Northern Paraná Land Company, who were the founders of the city of Londrina. We are proud to be part of this history and are committed to continuing to contribute to the progress and development of our city and our clients.

Mission and Vision

Our Mission is to Guide, Facilitate, Monitor, and Ensure the protection and support of intellectual property, both administratively and judicially, for individuals and legal entities, with ethics, commitment, transparency, and efficiency, always aiming to be the reference company in the segment, distinguished by credibility and good service, that honors intellectual property in such a way as to contribute to the technological and economic development of the country, transforming brands, companies, and people.


  • Credibility

  • Ethics

  • Commitment

  • Efficiency

  • National and international network

Care for your brand anywhere in Brazil.

We operate in more than 45 countries.

Onde estamos

Av. Juscelino Kubitscheck 3280 Vila Ipiranga - Londrina – PR / 86010-540