Discover why we are the best trademark and patent company in the market!
The right choice for trademark and patent registration!
With our consultancy, you shield your investment and ensure exclusivity.
Save time, money, and effort
London takes care of everything for you!
Your unique brand in the market
Experience and Commitment
We are specialists in Intellectual Property and have the necessary experience and commitment to safeguard the competitive advantages of your business.
Ethics and Transparency
We value ethics in all aspects of our work, providing a transparent and reliable service to our clients.
Maximizing Results
Our consultancy is focused on minimizing risks and maximizing results, valuing your investment.
Global Partners
An admirable history
London Trademarks and Patents, founded over 30 years ago in Londrina, is a reference in intellectual property protection in the region. Our name honors the English pioneers of the city, and we are dedicated to driving the progress of companies, earning trust over the decades.
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